Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Night that Changes Everything

One Night that Changes Everything
By Lauren Barnholdt

256 pages

Grade C+

The premise of this book is that the main character, Eliza, has been writing secrets in her note book. Not so much secrets as just things she is really scared to do, simple little things, like sing karaoke, talk to (and make out with) a boy you have had a crush on, and a few other things. Eliza forgets her notebook in her locker one day and it's stolen by her ex boyfriend's group of friends. Throughout the night the guys call Eliza and tell her that she has to start performing these fears or they will publish her notebook online for all the school to see. A recipe for high school disaster right? Well, duh.

You all know how I feel about YA books. I have a soft sticky place in my heart for them. This book did not fail to provide me with fluffy YA enjoyment. I polished it off in about 24 hours, and as much as I am happy that I did read it, I should have waited to read it after the book I just finished, which I will review soon (probably tonight as well) because I needed something light and fluffy, but instead I picked a book that has had me in tears from the first page. Either way, if you are a YA fan, this book will not let you down.

I will leave you with my favorite quote of the book:
"That is definitely the work of a sociopath. Actually, I'm not sure what a sociopath is, exactly. But I think it has to do with not caring about the feelings of others."

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